Gill Continuum C4 Automatic 41" Hurdle
SKU: 6658
This Championship Hurdle places the Hurdle Board directly over the pivot making it one of the safest hurdles!
Call 1-800-556-7464 to order replacement hurdle boards or to find out about custom screening!
- Special upright gate tubes allow for custom graphics.
- Easy ergonomic trigger on this automatic model creates continuous transitions from height to height.
- Internal weight adjustment mechanism results in hassle free use!
- Meets IAAF, NCAA, and National HS Federation rules.
- Limited 5 year warranty!
Call 1-800-556-7464 to order replacement hurdle boards or to find out about custom screening!
Ratings & Reviews
1 review
Stylish Hurdle
by Jermaine
They work great. We have these at my university. I didn't realize how expensive they were. Yikes!