Product Details
Designed for outdoor throws, the Rubber Discus is great for training beginner discus throwers. It has a 50-60% rim weight and is legal for meets.
Rubber Discus Features:
- Solid Rubber. Fully Legal for meets.
- These black rubber discus may scuff a wall or floor if thrown indoors (much like a shoe with a black sole can do).
- Note: Throwing implements are not warrantied due to the nature of the event.
Sizes Available:
- 2kg for College Men, as well as for Men up to age 49.
- 1.6kg for High School Boys
- 1kg for High School, College and Master's Women aged to 74, as well as for Men aged 60 and up.
For more information, check out the video below:

Rubber Discus
$29.00 - $34.00